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Lucky Skate loyalty program

Lucky Skate's loyalty program

Centralizing procurement is beneficial for Lucky Skate!

By registering as our loyal customer and subscribing to our customer newsletter, you will be included in our renewed benefits system.

In our three-tier system:

The Lucky Bronze level offers a 2% discount on purchases under €500.

You automatically move up to the Lucky Silver level when your purchases are between €500 and €3000, and we offer a 4% discount on these purchases.

Centralizing your purchases with us is worthwhile, because when your customer profile exceeds 3,000 euros, you will rise to the Lucky Gold level, where you will receive a 6% discount on your purchases.

In addition, we offer our loyal customers other variable loyalty benefits, which we communicate through our customer letter delivered by email.

Loyalty levels

  • Lucky Bronze level, purchases under €500, discount 2%

  • Lucky Silver level, purchases €500 - €3000, discount 4%

  • Lucky Gold level, purchases over €3,000, discount 6%

The discount is activated at the checkout in our stores and online store by using the loyalty level-specific discount code linked to your personal customer profile. When you move from one loyalty level to another, the level-specific discount code is automatically activated for your use.

Loyalty level-specific discount codes:




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